Down Payment Assistance

Eagle County introduced the Down Payment Assistance (DPA) Program in 1998 to make homeownership more accessible to a broader range of residents and help entry-level homebuyers overcome one of the greatest barriers to purchasing a home, insufficient funds for a down payment.

Today the program has expanded to include four funds tailored to assist residents who live and work within Eagle County. Borrowed funds can be used for down payments, closing costs, and prepaid expenses related to home purchases.

The Eagle County Loan Fund (ECLF) is a shared equity loan for homebuyers using conventional, RD, VA, or FHA mortgages. It allows for a loan contribution of up to 5%, with a maximum home purchase price of $850,000. Buyers are required to contribute at least 1% and occupy the home as their primary residence. The loan term is 30 years or will become immediately due upon the sale, transfer, or refinance. Loans that are completely repaid within the initial 24-month period will only cover the loan principal, essentially making them interest-free during that time frame.

Program Guidelines
For additional details, please visit the Eagle County Government Down Payment Assistance website.

Program Manager
For more information and to apply for the program, contact Jesus Camunez at The Valley Home Store. 

Additional Resources
Homebuyer Education
Resident-Occupied Deed Restriction
Price-Capped Deed Restriction
Eagle County Affordable Housing Guidelines: Administrative Procedures